Why are You Stuck with Bills When a Drunk Driver Caused Your Wreck?
You get in a crash. It’s a blur of a Saturday night, and what happens? Possibly you wake up in a hospital bed, or perhaps you go about your business and get checked out at a care center the next day. The issue is that injuries from drunk driving accidents often require a treatment plan,…
Read MoreHow Can You Tell if Your Loved One is the Victim of Nursing Home Neglect in Columbia, SC?
It’s not easy to decide to move your loved one into a nursing home. Little by little, you realize that your mom or dad is in worse shape than you originally thought. You may see that they can no longer take care of themselves physically. Or, they’re at risk of harming themselves. They leave the…
Read MoreWhat Types of Injuries are Caused by Drunk Driving Accidents in South Carolina?
There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to drink and drive. With the availability of Lyft and Uber, anyone, at any time, can call for a ride. But that doesn’t mean people still don’t do it. There are thousands of people injured or killed in this country by drunk driving accidents every year. And despite…
Read MoreWhat Should You Look for When Researching a Nursing Home in South Carolina?
If you’re looking to move your mom or dad into a nursing home in South Carolina, it’s going to be a difficult decision. Nobody ever wants to admit that they’re not capable of taking care of their elderly parents. We try our best, but at a certain point, we need to turn to the professionals.…
Read MoreWhat are the Signs and Symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse in Columbia?
Moving your loved one into a nursing home is one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. You research a half dozen facilities and finally choose one that promises to keep your mom or dad safe and well-cared for. You have no reason to doubt that they’re being sincere. However, no matter how great a…
Read MoreHow Hard is it to Prove Fault in a Drunk Driving Accident?
There are over a million people arrested for drunk driving in this country every year. And, this number doesn’t include the over 100 million cases of self-reported drunk driving. This means the number of people injured in drunk driving accidents in South Carolina are dangerously high. A lot of people think that, if the defendant…
Read MoreIs a Nursing Home Liable for their Employees’ Behavior in South Carolina?
Deciding to move your elderly parent into a nursing home may be the hardest decision you ever have to make. The last thing you should have to worry about is your loved one being abused while in their nursing home or assisted living facility. If a nursing home employee harms a resident, they can be held…
Read MoreWhat is the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987?
After an increased number of complaints against nursing homes being filed, the government decided to do some research into patient care. In the 1980s, comprehensive research was done to see just how poorly nursing home residents were treated in the U.S.c The results of the study were quite alarming. They found that there were widespread…
Read MoreWho Can You Sue if a Drunk Truck Driver Crashes into You?
In this day and age, there is simply no excuse for drunk driving or drunk truck driver. With the advent of rideshare companies, all you have to do is click an app and a car pulls up within minutes. If you’re out drinking with your friends, any one of you can call and Uber. You…
Read MoreWhat Do I Do If I Think the Nursing Home Staff is Stealing from My Mom?
Many of us have a hard time moving our mom into a nursing home. We may have promised never to make them leave their home. Or we may have promised ourselves that we’d never do this to our parent. But the time may come when you just aren’t able to care for your mom anymore.…
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