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Punitive Damages in South Carolina

Car accident cases can be fatal and traumatic. Typically, the purpose of insurance claims and civil lawsuits following an accident is to compensate the victim for his or her injuries, and to make that person “whole” in the eyes of the law. In certain situations, courts will go above and beyond simply compensating a victim…

Determining Fault in South Carolina

When adjudicating a car accident claim, courts lie in either a no-fault jurisdiction, or an at-fault jurisdiction. South Carolina is a “fault” state, which is also referred to as a “tort liability” state. In fault states, the plaintiff must shoulder the burden of establishing that the defendant was at fault for the accident and liable…

Premises Liability: When Shop Owners Fail to Clean Up

With inclement weather fast approaching, including rainy weather, and eventually even snow, owners of businesses in South Carolina must be significantly more conscientious regarding the upkeep, maintenance, repair, and monitoring of their respective premises. The complacency of business owners in doing so can lead to situations that may increase the likelihood of customers, patrons, and…

What Happens When Dining Out Means a Trip to the ER?

A recent study indicates that approximately 351,000 individuals die every year as a result of food poisoning. With nearly 616,000 restaurants within the U.S., the risk of food poisoning, although not significant, is still a reality, especially where restaurants are facing stiff competition and are under immense consumer pressure to become more efficient, and cater…

With Snow In the Forecast, Be Prepared to Shovel

Although South Carolina may have a slightly differently climate than other regions in the U.S., the fact remains that the state gets its fair share of snow and inclement weather.  If fact, you don’t have to look any further than this past February, when a significant ice storm, snow, and sleet, hit the Mid-Atlantic region.…

Grocery Store Slip and Falls: When is a South Carolina Store Liable?

For most families, going to a grocery store is a weekly task where the last thing any individual expects, is to slip and fall in a grocery aisle and suffer some sort of debilitating or long-term personal injury that could adversely affect his or her ability to stand, walk, or even sit for a long…