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Drivers Beware: South Carolina Leads Nation in Speed-Related Traffic Deaths
According to an article, the number of traffic tickets issued annually in South Carolina averages between 66,000 to 75,000 every year, depending on a number of factors including the number of vehicles on the road, the backgrounds of the drivers, and often times the weather. In fact, South Carolina historically has remained the state…
Neighbors That Don’t Shovel? The Worst Kind of Slip and Fall
With winter fast approaching, many hardware stores will start stock up on snow shovels, salt, and other side-walk ice treatment products. Understanding that shoveling snow is time-consuming, a chore, and at times, requires a significant amount of time, as a homeowner, it is not only investment in your own family’s safety and welfare, but that…
Car Accidents and Sharing the Road with Bicyclists
According to a recent report by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute, on average approximately 2-3 percent of all motor vehicle crash deaths involve a bicyclist; to be sure, there were about 741 total bicyclist-based fatalities in 2013 alone. With the increasing number of bicyclists on the road, it is…
Accidents Involving Semi-Trucks: The Dos
With the increasing number of tractor trailers on major interstates and freeways in South Carolina, a recent article highlighted the efforts of a local truck driving school in Columbia that is attempting to significantly reduce the number of semi-truck and tractor trailer-related accidents in the state. The school focuses on minimizing and otherwise teaching…
Too Lazy To Remove Accumulated Snow From Your Car? Think Twice
With the winter months fast approaching, many automobile drivers will shortly be awakening to snow-covered cars, and be faced with the decision as to whether to take the additional 15-20 minutes to adequately clear off one’s car, or alternatively, to just get in one’s car and drive off hoping that the wind and defrost…