Millions of people suffer shoulder injuries at some point in their life. For many, these injuries are the result of a car accident, a slip and fall, or repetitive motion injury on the job. Depending on the injury, it may require surgery to fix. Shoulder impingement occurs when the rotator cuff tendon becomes pinched between the rotator cuff and the upper bone of the shoulder, called the acromion. Shoulder decompression surgery is used to fix the pain and immobility of shoulder impingement by widening the area surrounding, and smoothing the surface, in which the rotator cuff tendon resides. Shoulder decompression surgery is expensive and may incur additional costs due to missing time at work. If you have suffered a case of shoulder impingement due to a work related injury, a premises accident, or a car collision, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. This compensation can help pay for your medical bills, future medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you became injured through no fault of your own or from an overuse injury at work, contact an experienced Columbia, South Carolina, attorney today.
What Is the Mechanism Behind Shoulder Impingement?
The increased friction or pressure put on the rotator cuff tendon is what causes immobility and pain, especially when moving the arm above the head. The cause of shoulder impingement injury varies. It could have been the result of a hard, direct blow to the shoulder such as that of a car crash or a fall on a hard surface. Or, the injury could be the result of overuse from a movement that is performed hundreds or even thousands of times per week on the job. In both scenarios (a direct blow or overuse) the area that the rotator cuff sits in becomes decreased or jagged with bone spurs, according to Orthoinfo.
How to Cure Shoulder Impingement Without Surgery
Many people opt out of surgery for various reasons. After examining your injury, your doctor may decide that a non-surgical option could work for you. This medical, as opposed to surgical, option may include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, cortisone injections, and other forms of rehabilitation to strengthen and bring mobility to the shoulder.
Arthroscopic Surgery
If your doctor recommends surgery, it will most likely be non-open arthroscopic surgery, which has a very high rate of success. In fact, 85 percent of patients report improved range of motion and decreased pain after decompression surgery, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Surgery involves a five millimeter incision, after which your surgeon will proceed to even out surfaces and remove bone spurs within the rotator cuff. Recovery will take about six weeks and will also necessitate physical therapy, pain medication, and rest from normal activities.
If you have been injured and need shoulder decompression surgery to return to normal life, the attorneys at the law offices of The Connell Law Firm, LLC are here to help. Call one of our experienced personal injury attorneys today. We serve clients in Columbia, South Carolina, and all across the state.