South Carolina is One of the Worst States for Drunk Driving Deaths

July 30, 2019

Despite the advent of rideshare companies, thousands of people still make the decision to drive drunk every year. When people driver after drinking or using drugs, they put both themselves and all other motorists at risk.

Knowing how big of a problem this is, law enforcement makes countless efforts to reduce drunk driving. However, even very stiff criminal penalties don’t seem to have an impact.

This is especially true for South Carolina. Believe it or not, South Carolina is the second worst state when it comes to drunk driving deaths. The only state that is worse is Montana. This just goes to show you that population has nothing to do with drunk driving.

Even these relatively sleepy states suffer from drinking and driving accidents. With the drug epidemic being what it is, the number of impaired drivers in Columbia is just getting worse. This is why car accident lawyers handle so many DUI cases every year.

If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, you should contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Columbia.

Statistics for Drunk Driving Accidents in South Carolina

The statistics for the number of drunk driving accidents and death in South Carolina are staggering. To put things into perspective, 8 out of every 100,000 people in South Carolina will die as a result of an impaired driving accident. This is second only to Montana, where that number is 9 for every 100,000 people.

Impaired driving is the number one cause of death for people aged 5-24 in Columbia, South Carolina. This is why car accident attorneys have their hands full getting justice for DUI accident victims.

In 2016, one third of all deaths for people in this age group died as a result of DUI. In fact, someone in South Carolina dies from drunk driving accidents every 50 minutes. In the time it takes to read this article, one more person may die in a drunk driving crash.

What is South Carolina Doing to Curb Impaired Driving?

Every summer, law enforcement agencies in South Carolina launch DUI awareness programs. They do this to try to remind people of the dangers of drunk driving. Sadly, this doesn’t seem to help drive down these numbers.

Despite DUI awareness programs, the number of DUI continue to increase. It seems as if a lot of people simply have no fear of the consequences. They don’t care about the risk of killing someone and they don’t seem to care about the criminal consequences.

There is a program in South Carolina that is designed to cut down on impaired driving. The ADSAP program is something that requires people convicted of DUI have to attend drug and alcohol classes. This is an eight (8) hour course that’s required to get their driver’s license back.

The problem is, a lot of people just don’t attend these classes. They figure it’s worth it to them to just drive with a suspended or revoked driver’s license. They take their chances of not getting caught while on the road.

Drunk Driving Accidents Cause Very Serious Injuries

People who get hit by a drunk driver suffer very serious injuries. Many need surgery and physical therapy. They miss a lot of time from work. They suffer a lot in damages.

Car accident laywers in Columbia, South Carolina work hard to get their clients the compensation they deserve. This means they’re going to demand the following:

  • Medical bills – You’re entitled to be compensated for any out-of-pocket medical expenses. The defendant will also have to reimburse any third-party providers who covered your medical care.
  • Lost Wages – If you missed a lot of time from work, you’re entitled to be paid for lost wages. This includes any future lost wages. If you can’t do the same type of work as a result of the DUI accident, the defendant will be held accountable.
  • Property Damage – If your car was damaged in the crash, you can demand money to cover any repairs or the replacement value.
  • Pain and Suffering –You have the right to be compensated for physical and mental anguish caused by the accident.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Columbia

If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving crash, you need to call an experienced car accident lawyer in Columbia, South Carolina. Call and schedule your initial consultation today. It’s absolutely free and you pay nothing until you settle your case.