Imagine it is some big event in your life and there is a big party. You and your friends had about six beers and are now driving away from the party. Unexpectedly, you see the blue and red lights of a cop car pulling you over to the curb and charging you for DUI in Columbia, SC. The officer administers a breathalyzer test, and you and your friends get handcuffs placed on your wrists; You have been arrested for a DUI.
DUI or driving under the influence is a violation. It means that you have been driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that weaken your ability to operate a vehicle. Anyone who is convicted of committing a DUI in Columbia can incur significant penalties. In most states, to be considered DUI, an individual has to have a higher blood alcohol content than the range of 0.05% – 0.08%. This level is examined by chemical testing.
Laws for DUI Explained by an Auto Accident Lawyer in Columbia, SC:
In Columbia, SC, drunk driving is considered a serious criminal offense, and if a motorist or driver is found over the limit on the road, they could be sent to prison.
Know that DUI of drugs is also a criminal offense, and the penalties are the same as for drunk driving.
DUI in Columbia has long been an issue and cause of many road deaths. To reduce this, the government has introduced stricter penalties, which has led to a decrease in the number of alcohol-related accidents.
Law enforcers have the right to test drivers for intoxication from narcotics and alcohol. Penalties for DUI vary depending on whether you have done it for the first time or it is a repeated offense. If a driver is detained a second time while driving under the influence, they will be held liable to pay 15 percent of the commercial value of the automobile being driven.
The license of the driver for DUI in Columbia can be suspended for one to three years for a grade zero level of intoxication, which is 0.20 – 0.39 blood alcohol level. This level is roughly equivalent to two beers. In case if you are found guilty of consuming higher levels of intoxication, then your license may be adjourned for up to ten years. It can even be revoked. Then you would have to get the help of an experienced attorney to get yourself out of this situation. However, this may or may not work in your favor.
Reasons to Not Get a DUI in Columbia:
Here are some reasons explaining why one must not get a DUI:
You May Spend Time in Jail:
If someone is arrested for a DUI in Columbia, SC, they may have to go to jail until at least the next day. Even when you bear the charges when your case comes before a judge; you won’t be able to recover the night back. On the contrary, if you are convicted, you could even be sentenced to a jail term depending on the jury and circumstances. However, there is usually no jail penalty for a first-time DUI offense in some states.
You Will Be Barred From Driving:
Several states of the USA have an implied consent law, which means that the citizens are pre-consented to a urine test or breath test as a condition of getting their license. Suppose if the individual refuses to do one of these tests at the time of their arrest, their license can be suspended for one year. It can even be increased for up to 3 years if this happens for the second time.
To get the license back you would have to hire an attorney who would try to fight to get it back. In the case you are convicted of the DUI, your license will be canceled for a year on the first offense.
You Will Get a Criminal History:
Please note that getting convicted for DUI is serious and even a single DUI on your criminal record can have far-reaching consequences. If you don’t have a criminal record as an adult, you will get it after a DUI. If you have a criminal record, you may experience more complexities when applying to certain types of professions. Your professional license could also be jeopardized because of it.
It May Impact You Socially:
In an idealistic world, we get second chances and are usually forgiven for temporary lapses in judgment such as drunk driving. However, in reality, people who have never been arrested judge others who have. Especially when it involves convictions like drinking or drug use. When others find out about a DUI arrest, they often jump to conclusions of their own. If you want to avoid this stigma, then the best thing you can do is to avoid arrest and conviction.
Hire a Qualified Columbia Accident Lawyer:
Accidents involving DUI in Columbia, SC can be serious and complicated. The automobile damage and the injuries can be severe. At Connell Law Firm, our expert lawyers negotiate with insurance companies and help you to file a lawsuit. Trust an experienced accident attorney in Columbia, SC to fight for you.