Two People Killed in a Sumter County Accident

April 20, 2020

Two people died, and others ended up injured after they were involved in a two-car collision in Sumter County.
The accident occurred shortly before 2 p.m. on Saturday on Narrow Paved Road, just north of Shiloh.

According to the South Carolina Highway Patrol, the two cars collided after which everyone involved in the crash had to be immediately transported to the nearest hospital.

The driver and the passenger of one of the vehicles lost their lives, and so far, they were not identified.
South Carolina Highway Patrol has not released any information about the severity of the injuries of the other people involved in the accident.
The driver who was killed was wearing a seat belt. The rest of the involved participants were not belted. South Carolina Highway Patrol investigates the collision but has not released what the reason for it was.

If you were involved in an accident in South Carolina, be sure to get medical help first. Don’t avoid the medical examination even if you don’t have any visible injuries.

Collaborate with the police but don’t talk too much nor try to explain who is at fault. Wait for your attorney before you say anything.

Remember that whatever you say, would be used against you in court. If you can and if there were any witnesses, collect their information. Take photos of the accident, your injuries, and the plates of every car involved in the crash.

You need to get legal help from an experienced car accident attorney. It is not the best idea to go through the process on your own because insurance companies have a team of lawyers who will not let you win in the case.

This means either you would get a lower settlement or no settlement at all. Call our firm for any questions you have.
